We’re proud and delighted to announce that Purely Scottish (Bottlers<www.purely-scottish.co.uk/>) have committed to the Scottish Business Pledge<scottishbusinesspledge.scot/pledge-partners/?_sf_s=purely%20scottish>.
Purely Scottish is a great place to work, and while we’re creating plenty of new high-quality jobs for Scotland, we’re also committing to be the best employer we can be.
Our new state-of-the-art production and sales facility in our rural location will be completed by June 2021 and with our new Bag-in-Box water coolers we’ve an exciting growth story ready to tell.
It’s in our DNA to support equality and diversity in the workplace. This includes actively encouraging workforce engagement, providing flexible working, adhering to the real living wage, avoiding the use of zero-hour contracts along with giving back to the local community through planned activities.
If you’d like to find out more about our coolers, our water, or working for us (we’re recruiting), please get in touch<www.purely-scottish.co.uk/contact-us/>.